
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Human Growth and Development"

Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Human Growth and Development" - Adik adik yang baik yang baru masuk ke kelas III SD/MI, kakak ada kabar baik nih, kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang "Human Growth and Development".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Human Growth and Development"
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Human Growth and Development" 


Every human being experince growth. Humans have characteristic as living beings :
  • Need the food
  • Moving
  • Breathing
  • Growing
  • Rest

Need the food
The important food for the growth and development are healty and nutritious foods. Exampe of healty and nutritious foods :
  1. Staple food : Rice, potatoes, corn, bread, sweet potatoes and sago
  2. Side Dish: Meat, fish, tofu, tempe, egg and squid
  3. Vegetables: Kale, spinach, carrot, and bean
  4. Fruit: Orange, apple, pineapple, banana, and guava
  5. Milk
A Human always experince the growth and development, for example increasing body weight and height.
Watch the picture!

When Edo were a baby is still difficult to hold a milk bottle but after he grow up was strong and easily to hold a large than a milk bottle.

Every day we do activities, our body become tired and need a rest, the way of a relaxing body is sleep.

A Human move using a feet to walk, run, and jump.
Watch the picture!

When we are small it’s still difficult to walk. After experencing growth, human can walk and run with easily.

Every being have a different breathing apparatus. Human using lungs.


Udin: “Hi, Siti”

Siti: “Hi, Udin”

Udin: “What are you doing?”

Siti: “I’m sport to be healty”

Udin: “What sport do you like?”

Siti: “I like running”

Udin: “What foods makes our body healty?”

Siti: “Eat nutritious foods”

Udin: “What are the nutritious foods?”

Siti: “For exampe rice, vegetables, side dishes, and fruits”

Udin: “Thankyou for your information Siti”

Siti: “You are welcome Udin”


  • Every: Setiap
  • Human: Manusia
  • Experince: Mengalami
  • Growth: Pertumbuhan
  • Have: Memiliki
  • Characteristic: Ciri – ciri
  • Living beings: Makhluk hidup
  • Need the food: Membutuhkan makanan
  • Can move: Dapat bergerak
  • Can breathe: Dapat bernapas
  • Experince growth: Mengalami pertumbuhan
  • Food: Makanan
  • Important: Penting
  • For: Untuk
  • Development: Perkembangan
  • Healty: Menyehatkan
  • Bean: Buncis
  • Nutritious: Bergizi
  • Staple food: Makanan pokok
  • Rice: Nasi
  • Potatoes: Kentang
  • Corn: Jagung
  • Bread: Roti
  • Sweet potatoes: Ubi
  • Sago: Sagu
  • Meat: Daging
  • Fish: Ikan
  • Tofu: Tahu
  • Tempe: Tempe
  • Egg: Telur
  • Squid: Cumi – cumi
  • Kale: Kangkung
  • Spinach: Bayam
  • Carrot: Wortel
  • Always: Selalu
  • Exampe: Contoh
  • Increasing: Bertambah
  • Body: Tubuh
  • Weight: Berat
  • Height: Tinggi
  • Watch: Lihat
  • Picture: Gambar
  • Still: Masih
  • Difficult: Kesulitan
  • Hold: Memegang
  • Milk: Susu
  • Bottle: Botol
  • But: Tetapi
  • After: Setelah
  • Grow up: Tumbuh besar
  • Strong: Kuat
  • Easily: Mudah
  • Large: Besar
  • Living: Makhluk
  • Breathing: Pernapasan
  • Apparatus:Peralatan
  • Lungs: Paru – paru
  • Rest: Istirahat
  • Everyday: Setiap hari
  • Our: Kita
  • Bodies: Tubuh
  • Become: Menjadi
  • Tired: Lelah
  • Need: Membutuhkan
  • Rest: Istirahat
  • Way: Cara
  • Relax: Beristirahat
  • Sleep: Tidur

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