
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Characteristics of Living Things"

Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Characteristics of Living Things" - Halo adik adik yang baik, nah pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai Materi dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang "Characteristics of Living Things".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Characteristics of Living Things"
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Characteristics of Living Things" 


The are many collections of life around us. Living creatures are humans, animals and plants. The characteristic creature of living things are moving, breathing, breeding, growing, eating, and sensitive to stimuli.

1. Moving
Living things can move different ways, humans walk using legs, fish swims with fins, and lizard creeps on walls.

2. Breating
Living things can breathe. Respirator is different. Humans with lungs. Fish breathes with gills.

3. Grow and Thrive
Living things can grow and develop, the meaning of grow is increase in height and weight.

4. Breed
Living things can breed, the ways to breed is different, for example breeding by giving birth and laying eggs.

5. Eating
Living things need food and water, humans need plants and animal for food, some animals also need plants for food.

6. Sensitive To Stimulation
Living things are sensitive to stimuli , the sensitivity of living beings to different stimuli. for example the leaves of a mimosa pudica will close the leaves when touched. Hedgehog will roll their bodies when touched.


Edo: “Hi Beni”

Beni: “Hi Edo”

Edo: “Do you know animals that breathe with gills?”

Beni: “I know, the animal is fish”

Edo: “Do you know human respiration?”

Beni: “ I know, it’s the lungs”

Edo: “ Where the Lizard live ?”

Beni: “ It is live on the wall”

Edo: “Thankyou Beni”

Beni: “You are wellcome”


  • Characteristic: Ciri – ciri
  • Living things: Makhluk hidup
  • Many: Banyak
  • Life: Kehidupan
  • Around: Sekitar
  • Living creatures: Makhluk hidup
  • Moving/move: Bergerak
  • Breating: Bernapas
  • Breeding: Berkembang biak
  • Growing: Tumbuh
  • Eating: Makan
  • Sensitive to stimuli: Peka terhadap rangsang
  • Different: Berbeda
  • Ways: Cara
  • Humans: Manusia
  • Walk: Berjalan
  • Using: Menggunakan
  • Legs: Kaki
  • Fish: Ikan
  • Swim: Berenang
  • With: Dengan
  • Fins: Sirip
  • And: Dan
  • Lizard: Cicak
  • Creep: Merayap
  • Walls: Dinding
  • Breathe: Bernapas
  • Respirator: Alat pernapsan
  • Lungs: Paru – paru
  • Gills: Insang
  • Thrive: Berkembang
  • Meaning: Arti
  • Laying eggs: Bertelur
  • Food: Makanan
  • Water: Air
  • Plants: Tumbuhan
  • Animal: Hewan
  • Some: Sesuatu
  • Also: Juga
  • Increase: Bertambah
  • Heigh: Tinggi
  • Weight: Berat
  • For: Untuk
  • Example: Contoh
  • Giving birth: Melahirkan
  • Beings: Makhluk
  • Leaves: Daun
  • Mimosa Pudica: Daun putri malu
  • Will: Akan
  • Touched: Tersentuh
  • Hedgehog: Landak
  • Roll: Menggulung
  • Bodies: Badan
  • Know: Tahu


Match !

6. There are two ways to breed are ____giving birth____and_____laying eggs___

7. Animals that breathe with gills are _____Fish

8. Human respiration is _____Lungs

9. Human walk by _____Legs

10. What is human food?
Answer ___Plants and animal

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