Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Form" |
On Sunday Dayu helps mother cooking in the kitchen. There are lots of things In the kitchen . For example onion, chili, cooking oil, soy sauce, sauce , gas, stove, pan, water.
The object is divided into 3 type:
- Solid Object: Bag, book, pencil, table, chair, pen.
- Liquid Object: Cooking oil, soy souce, sauce, water, syrup, shampoo.
- Gas Object: Oxygen air.
The residents are work together to clean the land for a playgroud, the fathers cleaning the land, the mothers and child preparing drinks and snacks.
The material needs sand, cement, paint, water. Playground can be completed quickly. The Land can be finished quickly, the children are vey happy.
Mother: “Dayu, let’s help mom cook”
Dayu: “Came on. What are we cooking today?”
Mother: “We will cook the cake”
Dayu: “To cook the cake, what do we use mom?”
Mother: “We will use a gas stove”
Dayu: “What the stove can produce a fire?”
Mother: “it’s Can, the fire from gas cylinders or LPG”
Dayu: “What is LPG ?”
Mother: “LPG is a gas object used for fuel”
Dayu: “Oh I see”
- Chair: Kursi
- Pen: Bolpoint
- Liquid object: Benda cair
- Syrup: Sirup
- Shampoo: Sampo
- Gas object: Benda Gas
- Oxygen: Oksigen
- Air: Udara
- Resident: Penduduk
- Work: Bekerja
- Together: Bersama
- Clean: Bersih
- Land: Tanah
- Playground: Taman kanak kanak
- All: Semua
- Help: Membantu
- Father: Ayah
- Form: Wujud benda
- House: Rumah
- Many: Banyak
- Items: Barang
- Kitchen: Dapur
- Onion: Bawang
- Chili: Cabai
- Cooking oil: Minyak goreng
- Soy sauce: Kecap
- Gas: Gas
- Stove: Kompor
- Pan: Wajan
- Water: Air
- Solid object: Banda padat
- Bag: Tas
- Book: Buku
- Table: Meja
- Very: Sangat
- Happy: Senang
- Cook: Memasak
- Today: Hari ini
- Cake: Kue
- We: Kita
- Use: Menggunakan
- Will: Akan
- Stove: Kompor
- Produce: Menghasilkan
- Fire: Api
- Gas cylinders: Tabung gas
- Form: Bentuk
- Fuel: Bahan bakar
- Mother: Ibu
- Pepare: Menyiapakan
- Drink: Minuman
- Snack: Camilan
- Ingredients: Bahan
- Need: Dibutuhkan
- Sand: Pasir
- Cement: Semen
- Paint: Cat
- Water: Air
- Playing: Bermain
- Can: Bisa
- Completed: Lengkap
- Quickly: Mudah
- Children: Anak –anak
Fill in the blank with Solid object, Liquid object, Gas object !
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Form" |
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