
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Obligations Rights at Home"

Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Obligations Rights at Home" - Halo adik adik yang baik, pada kesempatan yang baik ini masih bersama kakak, kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi Bahasa Inggris, Materi ini juga boleh di download oleh ibu bapak guru. Dalam materi ini diambil pembahasan dari "My Obligations Rights at Home".  Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat

Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Obligations Rights at Home"
Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Obligations Rights at Home" 


Loving at Home

As human we must love each other, loving our family is one of our obligations.

Children must love parents, and thank to parents, we must pray for our parents every day, thanks to them is the duty of every child.

Everyone must carry out the obligations, then they will receive the rights.

Healthy Body

We must keep a healthy body, the way to keep the healthy body are :
  • Eat nutritions and regular food
  • Break enough
  • Take a sports
  • Drink enough water


Siti: “Hi, Beni”
Beni: “Hi, Siti”
Siti: “What are you doing?”
Beni: “I’m running, how about you ?”
Siti: “I’m cycling”
Beni: “Do you like cycling?”
Siti: “Yes, I like cycling because it make my body healthy”
Beni: “Yes right, I also like to run, because it make my body healthy”
Siti: “Sports make our body healthy and avoiding disease”
Beni: “Yes, of course”


  • Rights: Hak
  • Obligations: Kewajiban
  • Home: Rumah
  • Love: Kasih sayang
  • Humans: Manusia
  • Chilren: Anak – anak
  • Parent: Orang tua
  • Pray: Mendoakan
  • Everyday: Setiap hari
  • Duty: Tugas
  • Every: Setiap
  • Everyone: Setiap orang
  • Receive: Menerima
  • Have: Mempunyai
  • Healthy: Kesehatan
  • Body: Tubuh
  • Keep: Menjaga
  • Eat: Makan
  • Nutritious: Nutrisi
  • Regular: Teratur
  • Break: Istirahat
  • Enough: Cukup
  • Sport: Olahraga
  • Drink: Minum
  • Water: Air
  • Running: Berlari
  • Cycling: Bersepeda
  • Also: Juga
  • Avoid: Hindari
  • Disease: Penyakit


Love Everything
One and one I love my brother
Two and two I love my father
Three and three I love brother, sister
One, two, three I love my family


Fill in the blanks with True (T) or False (F) for each of the given statements about maintaining a healthy body!


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