Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "My Obligations Rights at School" |
A Smart Kid Secrets
Every child must be smart and kind. There are children who are good at sport,
dancing, math, and singing. If you want to be smart, this is the secret :
- Listen when the teacher explains
- Do the task on time
- Read and practice a lot
- Never give up
- Ask your teacher
- Set the time to study
- Have lots of friends
A Healthy School
Every child is required to maintain school cleanliness and healthy. The school have a clean canteen, a place for wash hands in several plates, the trash in every corner, the school should have a playground, a clean and fragrant toilet, clean from a mosqoito larvae and a cigarette smoke. The School sholud have a health care program. The School residents must have healthy living habits, they must wash with running water, like to exersice, and take care of the cleanliness at school.
Teacher: “Hi Edo, how are you doing?”
Edo: “I’m eating snacks!”
Teacher: “Did you wash the hands”
Edo: “My hands is clean”
Teacher: “Although it looks clean has a germ is not visible to the eye”
Edo: “Oh, I see”
Teacher: “The germs can into the mouth and cause stomach pain”
Edo: “next times I will wash my hand before eating”
Teacher: “All right”
- Rigths: Hak
- Obligation: Kewajiban
- School: Sekolah
- Smart: Pinta
- Kid: Anak
- Secrets: Rahasia
- Every: Setiap
- Child: Anak
- Must: Harus
- Good: Baik
- Sport: Olahraga
- Dancing: Menari
- Math: Matematika
- Singing: Menyanyi
- If: Jika
- Want: Ingin
- Listen: Dengarkan
- Teacher: Guru
- Explains: Menjelaskan
- Task: Tugas
- On time: Tepat waktu
- Read: Membaca
- Practice: Berlatih
- Give up: Menyerah
- Ask: Bertanya
- Set: Atur
- Study: Belajar
- Friends: Berteman
- Lots: Banyak
- People: Orang
- Every: Setiap
- Healthy: Sehat
- School: Sekolah
- Required: Wajib
- Maintain: Menjaga
- Cleaniness: Kebersihan
- Have: Mempunyai
- Canteen: Kantin
- Place: Tempat
- Wash: Mencuci
- Hands: Tangan
- Several: Beberapa
- Trash: Sampah
- Corner: Tempat
- Playground: Tempat bermain
- Fragrant: Wangi
- Mosqoito: Nyamuk
- Larvae: Larva
- Cigarette: Rokok
- Smoke: Asap
- Residents: Warga
- Living: Hidup
- Habits: Kebiasaan
- Running: Mengalir
- Diligent: Rajin
- Exerice: Olahraga / latihan
- Take: Ikut
- Care: Menjaga
- Eating: Makanan
- Snack: Camilan
- Althought: Meskipun
- Looks: Terlihat
- Actually: Sebenarnya
- Germs: Kuman
- Visible: Terlihat
- Eye: Mata
- Into: Masuk
- Cause: Menyebabkan
- Stomach: Perut
- Pain: Rasa sakit
- Before: Sebelum
Go to Study
Oh mommy and dady I greet good morning
I go to school and I will say good bye
Have a nice study and dont forget to be happy
Be always dilligent and you will get it
Respect your teachers and love all your friends
That will make you are a good student
Fill with False (F) or True (T) for Rights and Obligation at School!
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