Materi Kelas 3 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Various Object" |
1. Objects are things that occupy space and have mass. the Objects are divided into 2 type :
- Inanimate objects: Stones, glasses, book, chair, table, bucket,balloon, ball, pencil, eraser.
- Living Things: Humans, animals and plants
2. Object based on their physical properties.
- Colour: Object have colour ( white, black,yellow, grey, red, green)
- Shape: Objects have shape square,triangle, circle.
- Size: Object is large, small, long, and short
3. Object based on function
The Objects based on their function to measure an objects (ruler, meter)
The Material for making objects
- Plastic object: Bag, bottle, sllipers, rain coat.
- Rubber object: Ballon, eraser, ball, tire, gloves, shoes.
- Metal object: Pan, spoon, fork, coin.
- Glass object: Plates, bowls, glass, aquarium, windows.
- Paper object: Paperbag, newspaper, envelope, book.
- Wood object: Chairs, table, wardrobe.
Lani and friends were practice playing a musical instrument in the classroom. Beni and Edo practie by hiting table is made of wood, while Lani and Siti practice by hitting the can is made of metal.
Beni: “Hi Udin, lets play football”
Udin: “Hi, wait Beni”
Beni: “what is the material is used to make the ball?”
Udin: “The ball is made of rubber”
Beni: “What is the shape of this ball?”
Udin: “The shape of the ball is round”
Beni: “How about the colour?”
Udin: “The colour is white and black”
Beni: “Came on, our friends are waiting”
Udin: “Came on”
- Object: Benda
- Occupy: Menempai
- Have: Mempunyai
- Mass: Masa
- Divided: Dibagi
- Into: Menjadi
- Inanimate object: Benda mati
- Stones: Batu
- Glass: Gelas
- Book: Buku
- Chairs: Kursi
- Table: Meja
- Bucket: Ember
- Balloon: Balon
- Ball: Bola
- Pencil: Pensil
- Eraser: Penghapus
- Humans: Manusia
- Animals: Hewan
- Plant: Tumbuhan
- Based: Berdasarkan
- Living things: Benda hidup
- Physical: Fisik
- Properties: Bahan
- Size: Ukuran
- Large: Besar
- Small: Kecil
- Long: Panjang
- Short: Pendek
- Shape: Bentuk
- Square: Persegi
- Triangle: Segitiga
- Circle: Lingkaran
- Colour: Warna
- White: Putih
- Black: Hitam
- Yellow: Kuning
- Grey: Abu – abu
- Red: Merah
- Green: Hijau
- Function: Fungsi
- Measure: Mengukur
- Ruler: Penggaris
- Mater: Meteran
- Making: Membuat
- Plastic: Plastik
- Bag: Tas
- Bottle: Botol
- Sllipers: Sandal
- Rain coat: Jas hujan
- Wood: Kayu
- Book: Buku
- Glass: Kaca
- Plates: Piring
- Bowl: Mangkuk
- Chairs: Kursi
- Table: Meja
- Wardrobe: Almari
- Paper: Kertas
- Paperbag: Tas kertas
- Newspaper: Koran
- Envelope: Amplop
- Glass: Gelas
- Aquarium: Akuarium
- Windows: Jendela
- Metal: Logam
- Pan: Panci
- Spoon: Sendok
- Hit: Memukul
- Made: Terbuat
- Cans: Kaleng
- Let’s play: Ayo bermain
- Football: Sepak bola
- Carry: Bawa
- Waiting: Menunggu
- Came on: Mari
- Fork: Garpu
- Coin: Koin/uang recehan
- Rubber: Karet
- Ballon: Balon
- Eraser: Penghapus
- Tire: Ban
- Gloves: Sarung tangan
- Shoes: Sepatu
- Practice: Berlatih
- Playing: Bermain
- Musicalinstrument: Alat musik
- Classroom: Kelas
Match the following objects according to the material used!
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