
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Healthy Food for the Body"

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Healthy Food for the Body" - Halo adik adik yang baik, yang sedang mencari materi Belajar. Kebetulan kali ini kakak menyediakan materi tersebut untuk adik adik materi ini sudah kakak rangkum agar memudahkan proses belajar mengajar, serta yang disajikan sangat mudah dicerna, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tentang The Importance of Healthy Food for the Body. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Healthy Food for the Body"
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "The Importance of Healthy Food for the Body"


Diarrhea is defecation but is more frequent and runny

The cause of diarrhea:
  1. Virus infection, rotavirus is the cause of diarrhea
  2. Bacterial infections, these bacteria enter through contaminated food and drink
  3. Food intolerance: occurs in people who have allergies to milk
  4. Food allergies
  5. Intestinal disease

The Importance Of Healthy Food

The age of children 2 until 12 years is the age of growth, so it is important for children to eat nutritious foods. The food must be high in protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins. The benefits of food are as a source of energy, protecting the body from disease, and replacing damaged body cells. We also to exercise regularly and enough so that weight can be controlled regularly. Exercise can prevent obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure.

With exercise the heart and lungs work efficiently so that the energy produced is large and ready to activity.


During the day, the sun was very hot. They look tired and thirsty.

Lani: “I'm very tired, the air today is very hot, I'm very thirsty”

Udin: “Right, let’s buy a drinks in front of the school?”

Siti: “We have to be careful, don't snack carelessly, the drink is easily contaminated with bacteria”

Udin: “It's true, yesterday my neighbor was hospitalized because of diarrhea because he eating a snacks on the roadside”

Siti: "Let's study together?"

Udin: "At my house"

Dayu: "Very fun"

Udin: "I have prepared soft drinks advertised on TV, I always buy its"

Siti: "Soft drinks are not good for our health because they have high sugar and preservatives, don't often drink soft drinks"

Udin: "You are right, but in advertising soft drinks contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, which means they have benefits"

Dayu: "Of course, the advertisement is to attract buyers, not all advertisements
are true. We must be careful in choosing food and drinks

Siti: "I agree with dayu"


  • Panas: Hot
  • Lelah: Tired
  • Kehausan: Thirsty
  • Membeli: Buy
  • Depan: Front
  • Hati hati: Careful
  • Sembarangan: Carelessly
  • Mudah: Easily
  • Tercemar: Contaminated
  • Kemarin: Yesterday
  • Tetangga: Neighbor
  • Rumahsakit: Hospital
  • Diare: Diarrhea
  • Pinggir jalan: Roadside
  • Berak: Defecation
  • Frequent: Sering
  • Berair: Runny
  • Penyebab: Cause
  • Infeksi: Infection
  • Masuk: Enter
  • Melalui: Through
  • Terkontaminasi: Contaminated
  • Terjadi: Occurs
  • Penyakit: Disease
  • Usus: Intestinal
  • Bersama: Together
  • Menyenagkan: Fun
  • Menyiapkan: Prepared
  • Minuman ringan: Soft drink
  • Diiklankan: Advertised
  • Selalu: Always
  • Tinggi: High
  • Gula: Sugar
  • Pengawet: Preservatives
  • Mengandung: Contain
  • Menarik: Attract
  • Pembeli: Buyers
  • Memilih: Choosing
  • Sel: Cells
  • Olahraga: Exercise
  • Rutin: Regulary
  • Cukup: Enough
  • Obesitas: Obesity
  • Darah: Blood
  • Tekanan: Pressure
  • Paru paru: Lungs
  • Efisien: Efficiently
  • Besar: Large
  • Siap: Ready
  • Aktivitas: Activity
  • Penting: Important
  • Umur: Age
  • Tahun: Years
  • Tumbuh: Growth
  • Nutritious: Nutrisi
  • Zat besi: Iron
  • Manfaat: Benefit
  • Sumber: Source
  • Melindungi: Protecting
  • Penyakit: Disease
  • Replacing: Mengganti
  • Damaged: Rusak


Answer the following questions!

1. How old is the growth in children?
Answer: 2 to 12 years

2. How about the nutritious food?
Answer: Foods that have high protein, calcium, iron and vitamins

3. Why do we must eat every day?
Answer: Because food is a source of energyfor our body

4. How to keep our body healthy?
Answer: We must eat nutritious food,and regular exercise

5. Mention 3 benefits of exercise!
Answer: Control weight, prevent obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure


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