
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "How Does the Body Treats Food"

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "How Does the Body Treats Food" - Adik adik dimana saja berada pada kesempatan yang baik ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak susun, materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk adik adik yang sedang duduk di kelas V SD/MI, materi sudah dilengkapi dengan Reading, Writing, Dialog yang bisa dipelajari adik adik secara mudah dan tentunya mudah dicerna. Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "How Does the Body Treats Food"
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "How Does the Body Treats Food"

The prosess of Food digestion in humans
  1. The process of putting food into the mouth
  2. The process of chewing food using teeth
  3. The process of ingesting food in the esophagus
  4. The process of breakingdown food from complex substancesinto small molecules
  5. The process of absorption of food extract in the small intestine
  6. The process of removing food scraps through the anus


Siti: “Vegetables also have benefits for our body”

Lani: “I like carrots compared to other vegetables”

Siti: “Why are you like carrots?”

Lani: “Because carrots have high vitamin A and good for eye healthy”

Siti: “Oh yeah, I want to know more about carrots and carrot farmer”

Carrots is beneficial for health because they have high vitamin A. Gede Suardana is a carrot farmer in Batunya Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali. Farmers must provide fertilizer at the beginning of the planting period because it affects the development of the plants, the fertilizer used is an organic fertilizer.

For marketing Suardana brought carrots to the Tabanan Baturiti market, he met with the vegetable collectors and distributed them to the island of Bali. In the agricultural business, there are 3 parties that collaborate such as suppliers, farmers, and distributors who buy a vegetables and a fruits from the farmers.


The food is healthy for our body, the human body processes food into nutrients that are beneficial to the health and growth of the body.

Dayu: "Wow, delicious my breakfast today"

Edo:"What breakfast do you have, Dayu?, I had breakfast of rice, vegetables and eggs”

Dayu: "My mom makes special chicken porridge”

Siti:"All the food is delicious, we must be grateful for being given the digestive system so that the food that we eat can be beneficial for the body”

Dayu: "What are the benefits of the digestive system siti?”

Siti:"The digestive system is an organ in the human body and animals bodies, which functions to soften food so as to produce nutrients that can be absorbed by the body, if the food consumed in healthy and nutritious foods and humans who eat it will grow healthily”

Edo: "I’ve seen advertisements about chicken porridge with organic rice”

Dayu: "Come on, we eat porridge with organic rice”

Siti: "What food do you bring today, din?"

Udin: "I bring healthy food, I bring rice and vegetables and eggs"

Siti: "It's very delicious"

Lani: "Food is healthy and delicious, do you remember about human digestive organs?"

Udin: "Still, first the food is chewed with teeth"

Siti: "Food enters the esophagus and stomach"

Lani: "From the stomach, food is changed to pulp and absorbed by?"

Udin: "Small intestine, the small intestine will absorb the extract of food"

Siti: "Foods that cannot be digested into the colon"

Udin: "What happens when the food in the colon?"

Lani: "The colon absorbs water contained in food porridge and becomes the place where food decay, then food enters the anus and its thrown away“

Siti: "Don't forget, eat healthy food so that the health of our digestive organs is maintained"


  • Manusia: Human
  • Nutrisi: Nutrients
  • Bermanfaat: Beneficial
  • Pertumbuhan: Growth
  • Enak: Delicious
  • Sarapan: Breakfast
  • Nasi: Rice
  • Bubur: Porridge
  • Bersyukur: Grateful
  • Pencernaan: Digestive
  • Berfungsi: Function
  • Melunakkan: Soften
  • Diserap: Absorbed
  • Iklan: Advertised
  • Organik: Organic
  • Bawa: Bring
  • Ingat: Remember
  • Pencernaan: Digestive
  • Kunyah: Chewed
  • Gigi: Teeth
  • Masuk: Enters
  • Kerongkongan: Esophagus
  • Lambung: Stomach
  • Diubah: Changed
  • Bubur: Pulp
  • Diserap: Absorbed
  • Usus halus: Small intestine
  • Menyerap: Absorb
  • Sari: Extract
  • Dicerna: Digested
  • Usus besar: Colon
  • Pembusukan: Decay
  • Dibuang: Thrown away
  • Lupa: Forget
  • Dibandingkan: Compared
  • Tinggi: High
  • Petani: Farmers
  • Bermanfaat: Beneficial
  • Petani: Farmer
  • Menyediakan: Provide
  • Penanaman: Planting
  • Periode: Period
  • Pupuk: Fertilizer
  • Membawa: Brought
  • Pasar: Market
  • Pengepul: Collector
  • Distibutor: Distributed
  • Pulau: Island
  • Pertanian: Agricultural
  • Pihak: Parties
  • Pemasok: Suppliers
  • Membeli: Buy
  • Tenggorokan: Esophagus
  • Lambung: Stomach
  • Usus Halus: Small intestine
  • Usus Besar: Colon
  • Menghancurkan:Destory
  • Enzim: Enzymes
  • Membersihkan: Clean
  • Sisa: Leftover
  • Memasukkan: Putting
  • Menelan: Ingesthing
  • Pemecahan: Breaking down
  • Komplek: Complex
  • Zat: Substance
  • Kecil: Small
  • Molekul: Molecules
  • Penyerapan: Absorption
  • Usus: Intestine
  • Menghapus: Removing
  • Potongan: Scraps
  • Melalui: Through
  • Pilihan: Option


Complete the following diagram!


Answer the following question!

1. Leftovers are removed through ……
Answer: Anus

2. What is the vitamin in carrot?
Answer: Vitamin A

3. Who is the carrot farmer in Tabanan Bali?
Answer: Gede Suardana

4. What fertilizer is used farmer in Tabanan Bali?
Answer: Organic fertilizer

5. Where is the farmer market of carrots?
Answer: Tabanan Baturiti market

6. What is the function of the digestive system?
Answer: To soften food so as to produce nutrients that can be absorbed by the body

7. Mention the human organs used for digestion!
Answer: Mouth, teeth, throat, stomach, small intestine, colon, anus

8. Where does absorption of food extract?
Answer: Small intestine

9. Where is the food decay place?
Answer: Colon

10. How many times do we must to chew the food?
Answer: 32


Answer the following question!

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