
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy"

Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy" - Adik adik yang baik, apa kabar? semoga dalam keadaan baik baik saja, nah pada kesempatan kali ini masih bersama kakak bospedia, kali ini kakak ingin membagikan kepada adik adik mengenai materi yang telah kakak rangkum. Materi ini kakak ambil dari mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas V SD/MI dalam pembahasan "literacy" . Materi ini bisa adik adik pelajari karena dilengkapi dengan cara Reading, Write, Vocabulary dan Taks yang bisa adik adik kerjakan dirumah. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik adik Salam pendidikan dari bospedia.com. Semoga bermanfaat.
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy"
Materi Kelas 5 SD/MI Bahasa Inggris "Literacy"


Dede Learned Martial Arts

That night, Dede invited father to see the night market in the village square. In the eastern part of the field, Dede saw people crowding. Apparently they were practicing Martial Arts. Martial Arts has an agile, beautiful, full of art movement. After seeing Dede asking permission to father wanted to join Martial Arts. Father is shocked. Finally Dede's father registered Dede with Martial Arts to Mr. Rojali. Martial arts is trained by Mr. Toyip.

After following 2 months of practicing Martial Arts Dede there was a change in himself. On that day my father saw Dede fighting with Tomi. Father broke up and gave advice that Martial Arts is not to find out who is the strongest. The martial functions for sports and martial arts. Dede apologized and He did not repeat the mistake again.


Answer the question!

1. What dede wants in the square?
Answer: Dede want learned Martial Arts

2. How about the Martial Arts movement?
Answer: Martial Arts has an agile, beautiful, full of art movement

3. Who is the trained of Dede Martial Arts?
Answer: Mr.Toyip

4. What the purpose Martial Arts?
Answer: For sports and martial arts

5. What happened to Dede after join Martial Arts?
Answer: There was a change in Dede



On Friday the schedule is for exercise, but Gita don't like to exercise because she get tired easily. Friday, Gita exercise by running around the field. A few steps Gita is feeling tired. Gita takes a rest under the tree, before arriving under the tree Gita fainted. Friends and teacher also panicked and immediately took Gita to the shade. Actually Dita have an anemia. Anemia is a disease of less red blood cells caused by the body lacking iron or vitamin B 12. Symptoms of anemia are the body always feels weak and easily tired. How to overcome anemia is to consume the foods containing iron and vitamin B 12. For example spinach, beans.


Make a summary of Anemia!
Gita suffers from anemia. Anemia is a disease of less red blood cells caused by the body lacking iron or vitamin b12. Symptoms of anemia are the body always feels weak and easily tired. The way to overcome anemia is to consume foods containing iron and vitamin B 12


  • Belajar: Learned
  • Pencak silat: Martial Arts
  • Mengajak: Invited
  • Pasar: Market
  • Alun alun: Village square
  • Timur: Eastern
  • Bagian: Part
  • Bidang: Field
  • Berkerumun: Crowding
  • Tamapaknya: Apparently
  • Lincah: Agile
  • Indah: Beautiful
  • Penuh seni: Art movement
  • Izin: Permission
  • Mengkuti: Join
  • Kaget: Shocked
  • Mendaftarkan: Registered
  • Dilatih: Trained
  • Mengikuti: Following
  • Berubah: Change
  • Perkelahian: Fighting
  • Melerai: Broke up
  • Nasihat: Advice
  • Ulangi: Repeat
  • Kesalahan: Mistake
  • Jadwal: Schedule
  • Olahraga: Exercise
  • Lelah: Tired
  • Mudah: Easily
  • Berlari: Running
  • Beberapa: Few
  • Lamgkah: Steps
  • Pingsan: Fainted
  • Panik: Panicked
  • Segera: Immediately
  • Membawa: Took
  • Tempat teduh: Shade
  • Penyakit: Disease
  • Kurang: Less
  • Darah merah: Red blood
  • Disebabkan: Caused
  • Kurang: Lacking
  • Zat besi: Iron
  • Gejala: Symptoms
  • Lemah: Weak
  • Bayam: Spinach
  • Kacang: Beans

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